
ArcaOS, eCS & OS/2

  • Informatie en algemene onderwerpen
  • ArcaOS, eComStation & OS/2 applications
  • Overzichten en statistieken
  • ArcaOS, eComStation & OS/2 Rexx applications
  • ArcaOS, eComStation & OS/2 Rexx DLLs

  • In case of any virus warning related to a small Win32 executable, please upgrade to the matching release for Win64 or downgrade to the 32-bit release for WinXP.

     8-bittest (NL) N/AN/AN/Atext2pdf.8-bit_test24-os2.zip8-bittest versie 2.4 (NL/Dutch) geeft beknopt advies over het wel of niet gebruiken van de parameter -I van Text/2 PDF, en toont de in het bronbestand voorkomende 8-bit karakters die niet worden ondersteund. Zoals wellicht het voor PDF 1.1 te nieuwe euroteken ("€").
     Beat/2 N/AN/AN/ABeat204r.zipBeat/2 versie 2.04 a is Swatch Beat, Internet Time Indicator. This version sets any known time zone automatically, including DST.
     Belvoir belvoir17.zipbelvoir17.zipbelvoir17.zipDonationwareBelvoir version 1.7 creates a simple large, wide (line) graph without any x-axis adjustments, so each record is represented, and different values can be compared. Example files included, comparing the MA-5 of a daily high/low-ratio of the stock exchange index to the VIX (5702 records since 1990, image width 5702 pixels). Steganography can be used to store the data used in the image file (options /E and /X).
     Ccalc ccalc.zipccalc.zipccalc.zipDonationwareCcalc provides convenient ways to perform calculations. It can store results in variables.
     Comments comments.zipcomments.zipcomments.zipDonationwareComments is a general purpose tool for dealing with comment lines in C files. Comments also identifies embedded comment and delimiter mismatch lines while displaying comment lines of a file.
     Console calculator cc_en.zipcc_en.zipcc_en.zipDonationwareConsole calculator is a modified and informal update of Console calculator v1.0 by amv, also ported to a (lesser) OS/2 compiler. The update of 13-12-2022 removes unneeded zeros after the decimal point, so an argument 1+1 now equals 2 instead of 2.000000.
     Console calculator (NL) cc.zipcc.zipcc.zipcc.zipConsole calculator (NL/Dutch) is een bewerkte en informele update van Console calculator v1.0 door amv, ook overgezet naar een (mindere) OS/2 compiler. De update van 13-12-2022 verwijdert onnodige nullen na het decimale scheidingsteken, dus een parameter 1+1 is nu gelijk aan 2 in plaats van 2.000000.
     HiLoLa (NL) hilola.ziphilola.ziphilola.ziphilola.zipHiLoLa version 1.1 (NL/Dutch) creates a mini bar chart, a sparkline, which represents the trend of specified high/low/last data.
     NetView (NL) N/AN/AN/Anetview.zipNetView (NL/Dutch) opent een HTM(L)-bestand in de huidige directory met Netscape.
     PMDir pmdir_en.zippmdir_en.zippmdir_en.zipDonationwarePMDir version 1.3 opens the current directory as a folder.
     PMDir (NL) pmdir.zippmdir.zippmdir.zippmdir.zipPMDir versie 1.3 (NL/Dutch) opent de huidige directory als een map.
     Robots robots.ziprobots.ziprobots.zipDonationwareRobots is a classic game. Don't get caught by the robots.
     Strippen (NL) strippen.zipstrippen.zipstrippen.zipstrippen.zipStrippen (NL/Dutch) searches and shows possibly obsolete blank ASCII characters in front of CRLF line breaks in a validated ASCII file, and detects unexpected line break characters. The file editor Notepad++ for Windows has a (Macro-) menu item to delete trailing blank characters.
     Text/2 PDF (NL) N/AN/AN/Atext2pdf24-os2.zipText/2 PDF versie 2.4 (NL/Dutch) is een hulpprogramma om tekstbestanden te converteren naar Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) bestanden. Met ondersteuning voor 8-bit Unicode Latin-1 Supplement karakters, ofwel veel van de gangbare, uitgebreide ASCII-karakters.
     TTFPATCH N/AN/Attfpatch.zipN/ATTFPATCH, only changed to compile with secure functions and without warnings.
     UNHTML unhtml_en.zipunhtml_en.zipunhtml_en.zipDonationwareUNHTML removes HTML codes from an ASCII input file. An exceptional functional bug fix is that this release no longer produces an echo of the last line of the input file.
     UNHTML (NL) unhtml.zipunhtml.zipunhtml.zipunhtml.zipUNHTML (NL/Dutch) verwijdert HTML-codes uit een ASCII bronbestand. Een uitzonderlijke functionele herstelde bug is dat deze oplevering niet langer een echo produceert van de laatste regel van het bronbestand.

    A list of formal or informal official latest or late versions of some programs which should still work, but may be technically outdated,with 32-bit Windows XP SP3. Requirements can be some DLL files of Internet Explorer, RSX.EXE and/or VCOMP100.DLL.

    ProgramVersion(Former) URL, not always updated here
    Across Lite2.0.5
    Artistic Style3.1 3.1
    Compare (Notepad++ plugin)2.0.1
    Converseen0.9.2-3 0.9
    Dave Gnukem1.0.1
    Enigma1.21 1.21
    Firefox (ESR)52.9.0
    GIMP help2.8.2
    HTML Tidy5.6.0
    MSDN Visual Studio6.0
    Noscript (Firefox extension)5.1.9
    Otter Browser1.0.03
    Visual C++ Professional6.0
    Zint Barcode Generator2.5.1